*** Check GDPR Flowchart PNO for practical information implementing GDPR within PNO ***

Personal data flows from the Person owning the data (role: Data Subject) via a (potential) Client / Consortium (role: Controller or Not Applicable) to PNO (role: Controller or Processor) and from there to third parties (role: (sub-) Processor). Across the chain, data must be handled ‘GDPR-proof’. Examples at Personal Data Flow.

Data Subject >Consent> Client >GDPR Text> PNO >Processing Agreement> (sub) Processor

In the below table column ‘EU‘ holds the standard text PNO uses to comply with the GDPR in upper case code. Lower case country code in the table indicates ‘country adapted‘ (language and/or legal) text. Recording Updates: see GDPR Text PNO Update.
The maintenance protocol is 0) changes in a copy of the Dutch version requested by business/marketing processes 1) check text proposal with legal 2) check proposal with the country managers for various translations when needed 3) safe old version in case of major changes and update text; change the publication – and ‘check by DPO’ data, respective in top/bottom document. PS German / Belgium texts need specific attention: start with country-specific text.

Privacy StatementPSnlded2!PSefritnlPS
Terms & ConditionsTCbeTCd2!TCTCTCnlTC
T&C WBSO PortaalPortalPortaal
T&C SaaSSaaS
T&C PNO AcademyAcademyAcademie
Linking ContractLC

Login needed Login needed Login needed
PNO Group holding B.V. Organogram per 31-12-2019
Organogram as of 2020 dec 21: organogram-pno
Names / websites PNO: names-sites-pno
Below sources per June 1, 2020, URL system:
‘old'<doc><country>; for example oldpsit: old privacy statement Italy
<doc> = cp, d, ds, im, tc, ps; cookie policy, disclaimer, datenschutz, impressum, terms & conditions and privacy statement
<country> = code in below list; BE, DE etc.

Login needed Login needed Login needed
BE Algemene voorwaarden
DE Impressum Datenschutzerklärung Cookie policy
D2 FZulG text
ES Not available
FR Politique des cookies Politique de confidentialité
IT Informativa sulla privacy
NL Algemene voorwaarden Privacy statement Disclaimer
UK Terms and conditions  Cookie policy Privacy statement Disclaimer